
Frequently Asked Questions

Donating on the RoK platform is very simple - Sign up, Browse through listed causes and click the Donate Now button to donate to that specific cause.

You can track the causes you’ve donated to directly within your RoK profile. If you’ve listed a cause for fundraising purposes, you can manage and follow those causes in your RoK profile as well.

Currently, no. While we’re working to improve as many lives as possible, we currently only accept causes in the following categories - Education, Medical Needs and Disaster Relief.

Once a fundraiser application has been submitted, our field teams go over the details, do a background check and contact the lister to verify the authenticity of the cause. Once this process is done, the cause goes live and is open for donations and/or volunteers.

Yes, donations and fundraisers can be done directly on the RoK app, available for both iOS and Android.

While many organizations use the RoK platform to list causes that require aid, RoK isn’t directly responsible or involved in the operations of these organizations. That being said, we do treat them as partners in our overall goal to raise awareness in creating a socially-responsible atmosphere.

When you donate to a cause, you donate directly to the person, institution or organization that lists the cause. RoK verifies their authenticity before they’re allowed to list, and lets you track how your funds are put to use within the RoK platform.

Currently, no. While we’re working to improve as many lives as possible, we currently only accept causes in the following categories - Education, Medical Needs and Disaster Relief.

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